California Therapist for Teens & Adults

with Anxiety & Depression

You’re fuckin’ tired of..

  • feeling miserable. It’s been HELL.

  • self-hatred.

  • feeling all these intense emotions that seem to hit out of nowhere.

  • pushing people you love away.

  • hearing people say to you “you’re too sensitve” OR “you’re overreacting”

  • avoiding problems rather than solving.

  • acting without thinking, only to feel like shit later.

  • Uncontrollable anger or sadness.

  • being misunderstood by others

  • having no control of your mind!

If this is YOU, you’ve come to the right place.

Therapy Office


“ My name is Pa Kou. I go by P.K..”

Vue Family Therapy, Inc. California Therapist, Fresno Therapist, Fresno Hmong therapist

I help adults and teens who ready to get UNSTUCK.

I didn’t say this was going to be easy to do. If it was EASY, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

I’m not your typical TALK therapist. You can expect NOT to be talking to a wall or answering questions like, “How does that make you feel?”. It’s a lot of YOU and ME, working collaboratively through talking, teaching and problem solving. No time for BULLSHIT!

You can expect to laugh, cry, have “a ha” moments, not want to come to session and still come, and most importantly be YOU (you’ve got filters, no problem!).

You can expect weekly homework to complete outside of session to reinforce what you are learning in session. This makes sure that your skills are sticking, and you will be able to maintain these changes once you’ve completed treatment here.

My clients graduate from therapy with more clarity, self-awareness and inner peace. From here, they are able to have a better relationship with themselves and others. They can finally say to themselves, “it’s not the end of world”.

For the past 9 years I have worked with individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, mood dysregulation, addictive behaviors, self-harm behaviors and relationship problems. I’ve had my share of struggle with anxiety and depression which has led me here today. No one is immune to this shit.

Know that YOU are NOT alone and that everyone has a story with their own details.

Something about me: I love me a good ink pen. The smell of melted butter and fresh ground coffee seem to make all my worries go away. I LOVE my 5 children to death even though they drive me CRAZY!

Ready to take the leap? Request an appointment TODAY.

“ Many of us have been running all our lives. Practice stopping.”

- Thich Naht Hanh


Your mind is NOT in control of you.

You are ABLE to tolerate painful events, urges,

and emotions without making it worse.

You CAN problem solve relationship conflicts more effectively.

You are able to pause and breathe more frequently.


I DON’T believe that therapy is a LIFE SENTENCE. NO ONE wants to be MISERABLE for the rest of their life. Change can be difficult; not IMPOSSIBLE. I believe that any behavior that is learned, can also be unlearned with effective skillsets. I meet with my clients once a week, every week until they meet their treatment goal. In the brief time we have together, it is important that you are able to acquire and maintain the skills set you learn in therapy to be able to continue living the life you want.

The evidence-based practice I utilize in my work is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I received foundational DBT training in 2019. I am currently receiving DBT intensive training. I consult weekly and as needed with a team of DBT therapists who have received Intensive DBT training from Behavioral Tech.

Click here to learn more about Dialectical Behavior Therapy: